Daily Dose of Cute

image of Olivia the White Farm Cat looking very seriously into the camera
"Give me all ur foodz."

Olivia Twist is the most insistent, obnoxious beggar in the household. I cannot eat anywhere in the house without being hassled by this cat. If I eat at a table, she jumps on the table. If I eat at my desk, she jumps on my desk. If I eat behind a closed door, she sticks her wee paw under the door and BANG BANG BANG!s it in its frame, yowling like she is being gripped by death. If I eat in a chair or on the couch, holding my plate, she encroaches upon me until I have my plate clutched against my chest desperately, trying to shove her away with my elbows.

If she sees any opportunity at all, she will snatch food right off my plate.

Nothing deters her. I can put her on the floor one thousand times every meal, I can spritz her with water, I can scold her, I can shove her, and she is right back like nothing happened, zeroing in on the FOOD OMG FOOOOOOOOD like a laser. Despite the fact that there is always dry food in her bowl. Always.

One time, four or five years ago, Iain came home with some food from Taco Bell, and no sooner had he set the bag on the table, then Livs had snatched a taco by its wrapper and went running down the hall with it, a trail of lettuce and cheese scattered behind her.

She is so tremendously annoying. And yet I utterly admire her steadfast persistence.

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As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of your family in comments.

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