In The News

Your regular In The News correspondent, Deeky W. Gashlycrumb, MD., is off while he moves into his new evil lair apartment.

[Content Note: Enslavement; homophobia; sexual violence.]

Everything We Know So Far About Drone Strikes, care of Cora Currier at ProPublica.

The Irish government acknowledged its role "in the enslavement of thousands of women and girls in the notorious Magdalene Laundry system," in which "women and girls were stripped of their names and dumped in Irish Catholic church-run laundries where nuns treated them as slaves, simply because they were unmarried mothers, orphans or regarded as somehow morally wayward," but has not apologized because that's just silly talk.

The Boy Scouts have decided to delay a vote on allowing openly gay members, because "the organization needs time for a more deliberate review of its membership policy." Sure. No one wants to be hasty about deciding not to be an asshole!

India has enacted stronger sentences for crimes of sexual violence, but still fails to criminalize spousal rape.

Republican Chuck Hagel's appointment to Secretary of Defense is pretty much a done deal.

Illinois lawmakers are trying to legalize same-sex marriage by Valentine's Day. Neat!

The United States Postal Service announces it will stop delivering most mail on Saturdays to save money.

NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft has spied the "comet of the century."

Eric Cantor wants his party to "focus our attention really on what lies beyond the fiscal debates" and to create "conditions for health, happiness and prosperity." Welp, good luck with all that! Considering your policies are: Lower taxes and make life miserable for marginalized people!

Breaking Bad's return will be Hank-centric. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK!

And Hillary Clinton has a website! CUE THE SPECULATION!

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