Take Your Boobs to the White House Watch

CNN: Signals? Biden vs. Clinton in Obama Interview Likely Much Ado About Nothing.

CNN: Feinstein 'Would Love' a Clinton Run in 2016.

CNN: President Hillary Clinton? If She Wants It.

Politico: What Hillary Clinton's Saying About 2016.

MSNBC: [video starts automatically at link] 60 Minutes Interview Fuels Clinton 2016 Speculation.

PolicyMic: Hillary Clinton 2016: The Biggest Hints She'll Run for President Came at the Benghazi Hearings.

Et cetera.

I loved President Obama's response to this stuff during their joint interview: "You know, Steve, I gotta tell you, the—you guys in the press are incorrigible. I was literally inaugurated [looks at watch] four days ago. And you're talking about elections four years from now." For real.

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