Random Nerd Nostalgia: Superman Says Let's Rap! Dig?


[Image description: Superman stands at the top of the page with a speech balloon saying "Let's rap! Here's a chance to tell us what you think about our comics! Tell us about yourself and we can put out the comics you want!" The Flash says "Answer all the questions so we know who you are and what you think is groovy. Just because you helped us out and we love you for it, we're giving away big gifts prizes including a portable color tv set!" Superman says, 'We;re drawing the name son September 30, 1970.Dig! 150 different winners!" The text continues "Hang in there... here come the questions...!" A short survey follows, asking things like where you bought the comic, if mom and dad bought the comic or you did, what you do with your free time, what you eat for breakfast (?) and other marketing questions such as "Q5 How interested are you in reading about...Pollution? Black People? Space Flights? National Problems? City problems? Sports? (which one) Hobbies? Romance? Astrology?" and "Q6 What is your favorite kind of comic mag? (check one) Superhero type? Romance type? War type? Mystery type? Humor type?" and "Q9 "What kind of records do you like most? Check only two. Rock? Country music? Bubble gum music? Folk? Soul?"]

Scanned from Wonder Woman # 190 October 1970.

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