In The News

[Content note: Homophobia, guns, gun violence]

Monday News:

The Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments on March 26 for the case against California's Proposition 8 and March 27 for oral arguments on the DOMA case.

Oh, dear lord: 101 reasons why you need an assault weapon.

And: Conservative groups declare January 19 Gun Appreciation Day.

Pop star Ke$ha has revealed that she is bisexual.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton returned to work today following recovery from a concussion and a blood clot. She was give a welcome back gift by her staff.

Dementia patients in Dutch village are given alternative reality.

Iran's revenues from vital oil and gas exports have dropped by 45 percent because of sanctions over its suspect nuclear program.

Frank Pembleton is discombobulated.

After a half-decade, massive Wikipedia hoax finally exposed.

Newly-elected Sen. Ted Cruiz says gun safety is unconstitutional.

Huell Howser — a California broadcasting legend for his various shows that have appeared on public broadcasting over the past couple of decades — has died.

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