Hold Onto Your Lightsabers, Nerdz!

J.J. Abrams to Direct New Star Wars Movie for Disney:
Star Trek director J.J. Abrams will be helming the next Star Wars movie. "It's done deal with J.J.," a source with knowledge of the situation told Deadline today.

Argo director Ben Affleck was also up for the gig, the source says. Abrams was courted heavily by producer Kathleen Kennedy to take the Star Wars job. Expected in 2015, Abrams' Episode VII effort will be the first new Star Wars movie since 2005's Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Michael Arndt is writing the script for the first installment of the relaunch of George Lucas’ franchise by Disney.
Okay. I'm on board.

[Previously. H/T to Jordan.]

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