Hillary Clinton Recovering

Last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was admitted to the hospital for treatment of a blood clot in her head, which is thought to have been caused by the same fall that gave her a concussion earlier in the month, as a result of dehydration from a stomach virus.

She is reportedly being treated with blood thinners and is expected to make a full recovery.

image of Hillary Clinton making a sort of wonderful, pissy, exasperated face
She is not offended by this blood clot; she is contemptuous.

Naturally, because it's Hillary Clinton and because conservatives are garbage nightmares, there are no fewer than 37 different conspiracy theories about what's REALLY wrong with Hillary Clinton.

Because obviously she isn't really in need of medical care: She's just FAKING IT to avoid accountability on Benghazi.

Which makes sense. If there's one thing that Hillary Clinton is known for, it's avoiding tough fights and shirking responsibility.

Anyway. My favorite conspiracy theory so far, to which I'm not linking but I'm sure you can find it if you are so inclined, is the one about Clinton's cascading health problems being a long-con cover for her having been in a plane that was shot down while on a secret Iranian mission. That's pretty cool.

Get well soon, Secretary!

And, as I'm sure no one would be more keen for me to make this observation than Secretary Clinton herself: She is receiving the best treatment possible, to which she has access because she has government-provided health insurance and is wealthy enough to cover anything and everything her healthcare plan does not. She tried to secure that kind of access to care for everyone, once upon a time. And failed because of resistance by the same group of crudsmudges who are accusing her of faking and/or misrepresenting her injuries now.

Of course.

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