Daily Dose of Cute

A pic, in ascending age order, of each of the five furry residents of Shakes Manor taken during our holiday, which was a lovely staycation during which we did all sorts of around-the-house projects:

image of Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt, tilting her head to one side
Zelda intently contemplates whether she is, in fact, a good girl.

image of Dudley the Greyhound, lying on the couch, looking very regal
Dudley: Large and in charge.

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat, curled up on a man's lap
Sophie snuggles with Kenny Blogginz.

image of Olivia the White-and-Tabby Farm Cat, lying on the arm of the sofa, looking pensive
Olivia: One little brown earsie and one little pink earsie.

image of Matilda the Blue-Eyed Sealpoint Fuzzy Cat, lying on the sofa looking sleepy
Matilda was soooooo hung over on New Year's Day. "Keep it down, Two-Legs!"

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