Sounds About Right

Santorum Launches Column for 'Birther' Website:
Former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has taken a job as a columnist for World Net Daily, a conservative website best known for articles advancing "birther" conspiracy theories about President Obama.

The former Pennsylvania senator will write a weekly column appearing on Mondays. Other writers for the site include actor Chuck Norris and fellow 2012 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

...Santorum's first column urges the Senate to vote down the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Santorum, whose daughter, Bella, suffers from Trisomy 18, a rare genetic disorder, argues the treaty "will do nothing to enhance the status of people with disabilities in the United States."
His column is GREAT, as you'd expect. I loved all of it. Especially this part: "The fact is, the United States leads the world in our respect and treatment for people with disabilities—something of which we as a society should be proud."

Is it possible to "lead the world in respect and treatment for people with disabilities" without universal healthcare? I vote no!

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