Daily Dose of Cute

[Content Note: The video below includes footage of Dudley making growly sounds and both Dudley and Zelly nipping and gnawing each other. They're just playing, but they are play-fighting, so if dog aggression is triggering or otherwise problematic for you, you should skip this video.]

I have tried to turn our dogs into ball-lovers (insert all the jokes here), but they are having none of it. They have fully rejected fetch, and they are totally indifferent to their Jolly Ball. All they want to do is play with each other, chase me around the yard, and snuggle.

Video Description: I roll a big blue ball toward Zelly, who is standing across the yard from me. She dodges it and runs happily toward me. Dudley saunters by the ball, completely ignoring it, and pauses to sniff the ground before walking toward me. [edit] The dogs tear around the garden together, dramatically play-bowing at each other, nipping and gnawing at each other, and chasing each other around. They leap and tumble, Zelly dodging Dudley with fast spins and gymnastic barrel rolls. "Puppies!" I say, and they stop and look at me. "Hey, who's the good puppies?" They shake themselves and look around. [edit] I kick the big blue ball toward Dudley, who jumps out of its way like it's radioactive. Zelly herds him away from it, then goes and nudges the ball and runs back toward me. Dudley yawns. [edit] I walk toward Dudley, who snorts like a horse. I laugh and scratch his head, saying, "Hey, snorts." He walks over to Zelly, who makes a playful move then runs away. Dudley looks around. I pan around to reveal Zelda standing directly behind Dudley. "Zelly!" I laugh. "What're you doing?" I scratch her head. "What a good girl," I tell her. Then to Dudz: "What a good boy."

Dudley the Greyhound and Zelda the Black-and-Tan Mutt stand beside each other in the garden


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