Photos of the Day

President Obama comforts a resident of New Jersey while touring the damage:

President Obama stands beside an older white woman, hugging her around the shoulders as she hugs him around the waist

The woman presses her head into the crook of his neck as they embrace

There are times I really, really love him, Shakers.

Pictures via The Obama Diary, where there are more photos, including some great ones of President Obama with Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. I read somewhere yesterday, on Christie's closely working with Obama in the aftermath of the storm and Republicans' resultant shock, the observation that the GOP should take note: President Obama has always been willing to be bipartisan; he was just waiting for someone to be bipartisan back.

Anyway. I have been very impressed so far with how President Obama has responded to the storm and the devastation it caused. It's so diametrically opposed to how Bush responded during Katrina that it makes me weep to think at how different things might be in NOLA right now if their president had been Obama rather than Bush.

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