
[Content Note: Scatological humor.]

So, last night, some genius on Twitter started the hashtag #addwithdiarrheatoamovietitle.

(If you're not on Twitter, what this means is that everyone who participates inserts that phrase and then you can see all of the tweets together in one place, even if you don't follow the individual participants.)

In case it's not obvious, participation meant taking a movie title—say, An Affair to Remember —and then adding "with diarrhea" to it, thus creating the new film An Affair to Remember with Diarrhea.

Now, I have a totally gross sense of humor, a love of wordplay, and a garbage gut that means my entire life should have "with diarrhea" added to it, so I pretty much found this the most hilarious thing ever.

Kenny Blogginz was over, and he was the first one to see it in his Twitter feed. He and Iain and I started reading them aloud to one another, and we were absolutely crying with laughter. And then we started adding our own.

Iain was first in, prompting Jess to tweet:

LOL! My husband, everyone.

Below, some of my favorite tweets from last night—and, naturally, please feel enthusiastically encouraged to turn this thread into an Add With Diarrhea to a Movie Title masterpiece.

And finally: Iain actually got out of bed when he thought of this to go tweet it, because we were both laughing so hard.

BOOM. With diarrhea.

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