In The News

[Content note: Racism, violence, homophobia, rape culture]

Monday News And Whatnot:

President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day making him the most threatened President in history.

A constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Indiana could face its final legislative hurdle this session. Way to go, Indiana!

The Texas man behind the Cadillac Ranch has been accused of being a "serial abuser" of boys and young men.

Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator powered by pee. Neat!

The Powerball prize has reached $425 million. If I win I plan to buy an island somewhere and move away, just FYI.

Twelve men are to be executed by Libyan militia for being gay. (Libya is free now, okay?)

A UK lawyer says Jamaica shouldn't give into UK or US pressure to review its buggery laws. Buggery laws? Okay then.

Wanna "look Asian"? There's a totally racist app for that!

This [CN: rape culture imagery] exists for some reason.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn could soon include a gay marriage option, according to makers of the popular game.

Britain's Princes, William and Harry, have been asked to be ambassadors for the country’s leading HIV charity, Terrence Higgins Trust.

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