In the News

[Content note: homophobia, racism, misogyny.]

News from not-deeky:

Science! History! Four centuries of beetles chewing up European literature!

Ron Paul says it’s legal to secede from the country Rand Paul wants to run for president in. Makes sense to me! Have a great Thanksgiving dinner, Paul family!

Speaking of which, here are some Thanksgiving recipes from prominent LGBT* chefs.

And here are some beautiful gardens in winter.

A 72-year-old Chinese man models girl’s clothes for his granddaughter’s design business.

Homomentum in Hawaii and Trans*mentum in Nova Scotia.

The fight for women’s land rights in Uganda.

Dear Knights of Columbus: please stop funding anti-gay campaigning.

Lady Gaga: Bride of Satan. (As deeky might say, lol!)

The kinder, gentler, post-election GOP: still racist and sexist!

Ever wondered what you would look like if you were a Dwarf in the Hobbit? Join the Company!

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