In The News

[Content note: child abuse, homophobia]

News in Spurts:

Fox News ignored the election of Rep. Tammy Baldwin to the U.S. Senate and underreported the marriage equality wins in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and Washington. Surprising.

NYC-based photographer and artist LaNola Stone wanted to help her local animal shelter, so she created this photography series of the dogs who had been at the shelter for the longest time.

Brad Bird won't be directing Star Wars Episode VII. Okay then.

I don't know.

Lisa Biron, a lawyer associated with Alliance Defending Freedom, an anti-gay Christian law group, was arrested Friday morning on child pornography charges.

Tea-baggers hate government so much they'll do anything to be part of it: Tea Party Republican Allen West is still not ready to concede defeat.

Neat photography of "plants".

Adela Hernandez, a 48-year-old transgender woman, this month made history by becoming the first openly trans person to be elected to public office in Cuba.

Zeppelin company goes belly up. Sad face.

Watch this: Winsor McCay's Dream of a Rarebit Fiend.

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