Five Abolition Movies I'd Like to See

Dear Hollywood:

So it seems you're making a movie about abolition, specifically centering around Lincoln and the 13th Amendment. That's great!

Unfortunately, it seems that you have managed to make this exciting story about the end of slavery almost entirely about white people, with African-Americans reduced to symbolic, supporting characters in their own story. That's.... not so great. Telling the story of a genuine triumph against racism while perpetuating the racist stereotype that only white people really mattered in that triumph is a pretty big problem.

So! Because I know that sometimes fresh ideas are elusive, let me give you five ideas for 5 big, epic, blockbuster-type movies about abolition and the Civil War era that I'd like to see:

1.The Frederick Douglass Epic.

2.The Sojourner Truth Saga.

3.The Robert Smalls Story. (Special bonus: I already have the pitch: "Glory at sea!")

4.Harriet Tubman, Spy and Scout.

5. Incidents in the Life of Harriet Jacobs.

You're welcome!



P.S. I have more ideas too if you're at all interested in reading some of them.

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