Quote of the Day

"It's a distraction. The entire war on women trope, and I think professional, educated women find it offensive."—Prominent conservative thinker [sic] George Will, explaining how women (but only the "professional, educated" ones) feel about the war on agency.
Will stated on ABC's This Week that "professional women with college degrees" resent the "condescension of the Obama campaign, which says" to women: "don't you trouble your pretty little heads about these men's issues like unemployment and all the rest, worry about contraception, which has been a constitutional right for 47 years." Will continued: "It's a distraction. The entire war on women trope, and I think professional, educated women find it offensive."
In case you missed that, it's not the actual war on agency that women find offensive; it's the (according to Will) imaginary narrative about a war on agency invented by the Obama administration that women find offensive.


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