Quote of the Day

"I was touched to see this tape where Mitt Romney's finally letting his hair down and dancing like nobody's watching. It warmed my heart to see that, when he's alone with his fellow bazillionaires, he finally feels free to show that Mitt Romney is a real person. He's a real elitist jerk who hates your grandparents and thinks half the country are no-good lazy moochers."—Jay Smooth, in his new video for the Actually.org project.

Video clip of Mitt Romney from his infamous 47% speech: "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right—there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. [edit] And so my job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

Jay Smooth, onscreen, speaking to the camera: Uh, actually, that's like every kind of wrong at once. It's like an aurora borealis of elitist douchebaggery.

Forty-seven percent of Americans don't believe in personal responsibility? If you actually look at who that forty-seven percent is, a lot of them are senior citizens—you know, our grandparents? The people that Tom Brokaw told us like 80,000 times invented personal responsibility? And worked so hard to make this country great? And walked uphill, both ways, to work at the plant Mitt Romney shut down?

That's who the forty-seven percent is—American people who take on personal responsibilities Mitt Romney has never had to face. And I think that's why he just doesn't get it. I think that's why he thinks it's okay to deny personal responsibility for his track record as governor, his tax returns, the tortured screams of his family dog. And now he's even denying personal responsibility for that stuff he said about personal responsibility.

But I think we all know that that was the real Mitt Romney that we saw in that tape. And, look, I think it's beautiful that there's one place in the world where he feels free to be himself like that.

Watching how awkward he was on the campaign trail, trying to interact with the little people, I started feeling bad for him, and wondering if he ever feels like he fits in, if he ever feels at home—in any of his six homes. [counts on fingers] Kennebunkport, Martha's Vineyard, Hyannis Port, Dubai, Mos—well, probably not Russia, because that's our number one enemy.

So I was touched to see this tape where Mitt Romney's finally letting his hair down and dancing like nobody's watching. It warmed my heart to see that, when he's alone with his fellow bazillionaires, he finally feels free to show that Mitt Romney is a real person. He's a real elitist jerk who hates your grandparents and thinks half the country are no-good lazy moochers.

I think that's a beautiful thing. I mean, it would make him a horrible president. We need a president who understands the responsibilities that everyday Americans face, and wants to take personal responsibility for helping all of us.

And I think we should help set Mitt Romney free to be himself, by keeping him far, far away from the White House.

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