In The News

[Content note: misogyny, homophobia, gun violence]

Non-Debate News: has decided to change its policies to allow for corporate advertising, Republican Party solicitations, astroturf campaigns, anti-abortion or anti-union ads and other controversial sponsorships.

Peter Gabriel wants people to recreate scenes from "Sledgehammer." Neat!

Two members of Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot were shipped to remote Soviet-era labor camps yesterday.

Just four days after approving a policy aimed at protecting the rights of transgender students, an Illinois school board has rescinded it.

Punters at one of London's oldest gay pubs are campaigning to stop the popular watering hole from being closed and turned into apartments.

Here is a totally reasonable way to carve a pumpkin. (p.s. This is not reasonable.)

The latest polls suggest that President Obama's victory in Ohio could be a foregone conclusion: Obama holds a double digit lead among those who have already voted.

UK schools are being encouraged to start planning their activities for LGBT History Month by celebrating the life of Alan Turing.

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