In The News

[Content note: terrorism, violence, mortality, homphobia, misogyny, racism]

News and Stuff:

Breaking: Police say a man has taken a hostage in a Pittsburgh high rise building and claims to have a bomb.

It turns out Chick-fil-A's promise not to support anti-gay groups may have been a lie. Whoops!

Herman Cain says he would have a substantial lead over President Barack Obama if Republicans had made him their nominee. Whoops! You suck, Republican Party!

Mortality data shows that life spans for some of the least educated Americans are shrinking. The reasons for the decline remain unclear, but among the possible culprits: a spike in prescription drug overdoses, increased rates of smoking, and a lack health insurance in this demographic.

Here is the first full trailer from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Go, nerds!

A Swedish medical team has transplanted uteruses from two women in their 50s to their daughters. Meanwhile, an Indiana group is recruiting women willing to undergo womb transplants in the U.S.

I kind of love that gay scuba diving is a thing.

Snoop Lion (formerly Snoop Dogg) told reporters that he fully backs President Barack Obama in his bid for re-election.

Sunday, September 23rd is Bi Visibility Day.

Want to watch Vision Quest starring Matthew Modine? Good news! The entire thing is on Youtube!

A group of Filipino nurses who were mocked for their accents and ordered to speak "English only" won a nearly $1-million settlement against a Central California hospital where they worked.

Juvenile joke of the day: Mitt Romney enjoys watersports. *giggle* Why, yes, I am twelve.

The cover of the latest issue of National Review features an altered DNC photo to make it appear that delegates are waving "abortion" signs. In fact, the signs read "Forward."

Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3. Beverly Hills Chihuahua THREE! What the hell is wrong with the world?!

Does your penis feel smaller? Penises are 10% smaller now. Someone studied this! And who is to blame? Feminazis, no doy. So says Rush Limbaugh.

Here is a video of a pig rescuing a baby goat. Yay, piggy!

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