Blog Note

Today is a holiday in the US, so posting will be very light. Happy Labor Day to those who celebrate it!

By way of update, I am feeling a bit better. Mainly, I'm able to stay awake for more than an hour at a time again. Huzzah!

Without going into a lot of detail, I'm still going through testing to get to the root of my health issue, and I need to see specialists, some of whom aren't available until October. So my schedule may be a little less consistent than usual for awhile, as I have to deal with medical stuff and/or feel like garbage.

Again, my apologies for being away, and also for being vague. Part of that is, as I said, I hate writing about this, for a lot of reasons, not least of which that it invites speculation that makes me super uncomfortable, but also because I really don't know what's going on myself.

The good news is that I am in the care of a doctor who, so far, has been listening to me and is genuinely concerned for/about me. He hasn't suggested once that the issue is deathfatz! because he listens to what's normal for me. It's made all of this a whole lot easier.

Also: Not that this isn't certainly evident to everyone who inhabits this space for more than five seconds, but the contributors and mods here are amazing. I am so, so, so fortunate, and immensely grateful, for their support and friendship.

Finally: Iain rules.

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