This is the most honest Mitt Romney campaign advert you will ever see:

Video Description: Over cutesy images of Mitt Romney campaigning nicked from his actual campaign adverts, Romney says in voiceover: I don't really know who I am. I don't know what I believe. I served as governor for four years. Like a mini-skirt it was short and revealing. I was liberal. But I was conservative as well. I'm pro-life, but I had no difficulty supporting abortion. And then I decided to run for national office and don't have an idea why. Everybody I talked to said it's a bad idea, but I love debate and disagreement over issues. And in the case of Obamacare, I disagree with myself. I supported the idea of an individual mandate, but I oppose what the President did. And also with regards to gay marriage, I looked at some of my policies and said "Gosh, I have exactly the opposite view today." One reason of course is that I hope to represent all Americans. And I think the American people have differing views, and I agree with the American people. I believe in America. I'd like to ask you to join with us: Volunteer, donate, or just pass this message along to a friend. Thanks so much. [Text Onscreen: "by Hugh Atkin / Audio has been edited and often does not reflect Mitt Romney's original meaning. The Romney campaign was not involved in the production of this video."]

[Via. If you'd like to see the snippets from which Hugh edited the audio together, and explanations of their context, click here.]

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