Daily Dose of Cute

So, the cats aren't allowed in the bedroom.

The reason for this is because Iain is a light sleeper and can't get a decent night's rest with cats crawling all over him. If all three of our cats were like Matilda, who just settles in beside you at night and sleeps soundly if she happens to sneak in, the cats would be allowed in the bedroom. But Olivia and Sophie are nocturnal terrors, who want to roam, investigate, knock shit off every surface, noisily lick anything plastic, and destroy the toilet paper roll in the adjoining bathroom.

Because it's a pain in the ass to try to wrangle them all out of there every night, we just try to keep them out altogether. As a result, trying to dart into the bedroom, aka Cat Narnia, every time we open the door has become Sophie's favorite pastime.

Now, it's not like she never gets time in the bedroom, because she does sneak in and spend THE ENTIRE DAY in there ("Heyyyyyyyy! Everybody! I'minnabedroom! Wooo!") about once a week, and it's not like she never gets nighttime cuddling opportunities, because I occasionally end up in the guest room when Iain's snoring is rattling my brain.

And normally, she's cool at night. But every once in awhile, she spends the whole freaking night scratching at the bedroom door and whining pitiably. And there's no use letting her in, because she doesn't want to cuddle; she wants to explore. LOUDLY.

What I'm saying is: Sophie woke me up at 4:30 in the morning. I am exhausted, and Sophie is an asshole.

image of Sophie the Torbie Cat lying on the stairs looking at me wide-eyed and innocently


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