Today in Mitt Romney Mingles with the Commoners

[Content Note: Reference to animal cruelty.]

image of Mitt Romney walking past a white woman in sunglasses and a sun hat with a dog on a leash, to which I have added a dialogue bubble reading: 'Ma'am, get your dog out of the street and onto the top of a car where it belongs. Now where's that flag I asked for?'

I bet Mitt Romney really loves running into dogs while he's campaigning, especially since he's being followed by a vehicle with a fake dog strapped on top and constantly greeted by protests like Good Dog Bad Romney, reminding everyone that he cares as little about animals as he does about people:

image of a shaggy little dog sticking its head out a stationary car's window; on the side of the door is a decal reading ''

Whooooooooooops Mitt Romney you should have been nicer to your dog. Jerk.

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