Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day, Shakers!

[Description: Image of Parliament, surrounded by photographs of provincial legislative buildings from B.C., Manitoba,New Brunswick, P.E.I., Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. Image is titled "WHERE OUR LAWS ARE MADE."Image scanned from A Canadian History For Boys and Girls by Emily P. Weaver, published 1919.]

I've spent Canada Days past at community celebrations as big as the one at Parliament Hill and as small as the one at Shelburne Harbour, but this year, I'm stuck in the States for the holiday, so a private Canada Day Across America it is for me, with friends over for Maritime baked beans, brown bread, and butter tarts.

If you are Canadian or living in Canada, and you celebrated over the weekend or are celebrating today, feel free to use this thread to share how you are marking the occasion. "Sleeping" or "doing absolutely nothing" or the like are, of course, perfectly legitimate answers!

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