Photos of the Day

image of President Obama sitting next to an African-American young woman; she is pointing at something and he is grinning broadly
U.S. President Barack Obama talks to a girl during a visit to the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland, Broadway section, in Cleveland, Ohio June 14, 2012. [Reuters Pictures]
Check out the caption on this similar photo of President Obama with the same young woman:

President Obama sitting on the edge of a stage with an African-American young woman
US President Barack Obama talks to a girl at the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland in Cleveland, Ohio, on June 14, 2012. Obama's campaign savagely mocked Mitt Romney as 'out of touch' with ordinary Americans Wednesday with a web video featuring a highlight reel of the Republican's gaffes. The move came as Romney, a multi-millionaire former venture capitalist, argues that it is Obama that has lost touch with the economic pain [hurting] the US heartland, and as each candidate tries to outdo the other in professing deep empathy with the middle-class. [Getty Images]
That's an interesting caption. I'm not sure Mitt Romney would ever be described as having "savagely mocked" the President. Republicans "criticize." President Obama "savagely mocks."

It's also interesting in its suggestion that Obama is feigning empathy for a photo-op. There are a lot of legitimate criticisms to be made about President Obama. Interacting insincerely with children is categorically not one of them. He is, without question, the president with the most natural rapport with children in my lifetime, and probably long before. He clearly respects children and young adults, and that is no small thing.

Here are some of my other favorite photos from the President's visit to the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland yesterday:

image of President Obama surrounded by people, including two very excited young women who were double-dutching

image of President Obama being hugged by three very excited African-American young women, while a fourth stands beside them, covering her mouth in excitement

image of President Obama sitting on the edge of a stage with three African-American young women

President Obama greets a crowd of children outside the Boys and Girls Club, and shakes the hand of a young African-American girl

President Obama shakes a young African-American boy's hand outside the Boys and Girls Club

President Obama poses with a large group of children outside the Boys and Girls Club of Cleveland

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