Daily Dose of Cute

Tilsy looks silly, as usual, with her lion cut for summer:

Video Description: On the day she got her lion cut, Tils parades around my office with her furry boots, tail, and mane, looking ridiculously adorbz. She walks over and rubs against my leg. I pan to Zelda, lying on the floor and looking at Tils. "What do you think about that silly cat, Zelda?" I ask her. "What do you think about her, hmm?" I pan back to Matilda, who runs around to the other side of my chair. "Matilda." Zelda comes over and sits by me, looking like she's about to play-bow at Tils. "Oh, are you gonna get her?" I ask, as Matilda struts by. "Get her." Zelda just watches her, slightly confused, as if wondering where Tilsy's fuzz went. Tils heads for the door. "Tils, c'mere," I say, and give her special whistle. I snap and whistle again. She turns around and walks back toward me. "C'mere." She walks halfway to me, then stands and looks at me, because her recall is nothing if not totally half-assed and always on her terms. "Who's a silly cat?" I ask her. "Who looks silly? Matilda." She sits. I whistle. She looks at me. "You look silly! Zelda agrees, don't you, Zelly?" Zelly sits at my side, regarding Tils. "Yeah, she agrees that you look very silly." Matilda turns her head away. "Oh, don't turn your back on us!" I say. (Except I actually say "backs," because I am a dildobrain.) Matilda walks out. I whistle after her and she ignores me. "Tils."

image of Matilda sitting on the ottoman

image of Matilda lying on the ottoman

extreme close-up of Matilda's blue eyes, in which is reflected the cartoon penguin on my camera case
Not having it.

This is a made-up storyline. Matilda is not harrumphy at all about her lion cut or being told she looks silly. She loves when I talk to her, no matter what I'm saying, and she loooooooves her lion cut. As she gets older, she gets more frisky when she's got her lion cut, because it makes grooming a lot easier for her. I just like to pretend she is grumpy about it, because it amuses me!

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