Another Day, Another Judge Strikes Down DOMA

Igor at Think Progress:
Another federal judge has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), finding that the law "should not be presumed to be constitutional, and should instead be subject to a heightened form of judicial scrutiny." The victory comes in the case of Edie Windsor, who was seeking a refund of the federal estate tax paid by the estate of her late wife. It's another loss for Paul Clement and House Speaker John Boehner's (R-OH) Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the House of Representatives ("BLAG"), who had claimed that her homosexuality was a "choice."

From the ruling: "It does not follow from the exclusion of one group from federal benefits (same-sex married persons) that another group of people (opposite-sex married couples) will be incentivized to take any action, whether that is marriage or procreations."
Poor Boehner. It mustn't be fun to feel like a dinosaur, looking into the night sky and seeing a meteor.

image of a tiny violin <--So, so tiny.

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