Ron Paul Comes out of Hiding to Announce He's Going into Hiding. Or Whatever.

image of Ron Paul looking out the rolled-down tinted window of a vehicle, to which I have added a dialogue bubble reading: 'Seeya, suckerz!'

CNN—BREAKING: Ron Paul to end active campaigning: "An announcement from Rep. Ron Paul indicates that the Republican presidential candidate will no longer actively campaign for the GOP nomination, but will continue to work to secure delegates at upcoming Republican state conventions."

Considering I haven't seen a wire photo of Ron Paul campaigning since mid-April, I'm not really sure this announcement was necessary, but okay. At least we know he's alive! Good job on being alive, Ron Paul!

Anyway. We're all super devastated about this news, I'm sure. Sadface.

P.S. How is it I never noticed until this moment how much Ron Paul and DJ Qualls resemble one another?

comparative image of Ron Paul and actor DJ Qualls

RIP Ron Paul's campaign and fully one million GOP Road Trip photoshops.

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