Quote of the Day

[Content Note: Xenophobia; racism.]

"It seems to punish people who can't speak Spanish, and I resent that. In public areas, people should be speaking English, and that includes pizza parlors."—Peter Thomas, chairman of the Conservative Caucus and World Champion Harrumpher, on a promotional offer being made by Pizza Patrón, a carry-out pizza chain headquartered in Dallas, during which the company will "give away thousands of large pepperoni pizzas on the evening of June 5 to folks who order in Spanish."

True Facts:

1. I do not speak Spanish, besides a handful of words and phrases I've picked up over the years in various ways.

2. A place offering a free promotion to people who do speak Spanish is not discriminating against me.

3. "¿Puedo tener una pizza de salchicha, por favor?" I now know how to order a pizza, care of FreeTranslation.com. Yay for me.

4. Peter Thomas has chunks of hate and bile where his brains should be.

[H/T to Deeks.]

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