The Parks and Rec Open Thread

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Is that a victory speech she's giving?! Or a concession speech?! OMG!!!

Since I realized the season finale of Parks and Rec was airing May 10, I knew I would leave the episode until the morning, so the second thing I could do (after making out with Iain) on my birthday was watch the episode that would reveal whether Leslie Knope had finally realized her dream of being elected a Pawnee councilwoman.

It would have been pretty much the greatest thing ever, except for the fact that NBC announced yesterday that NBC is cancelling Parks and Rec, giving it an "abbreviated 'send off' season" to wrap things up, and that's it and that's all. My heart is pretty much broken, and it made watching the season finale all the more poignant.

And by "more poignant," I mean I blubbed approximately three to ten times more than I would have already. Which is a lot.

I love this show. And I am not just sad that it's going away; I'm pissed. I hate that Entourage had fully one million seasons, and Parks and Rec is getting unceremoniously dumped after four. (And a half, apparently.) I don't want Parks and Rec to end: I want more. I want to follow Leslie Knope all the way to the White House in a series spin-off called Knope and Change!

And, for my birthday, I want everyone to sign this petition asking NBC to give Parks and Rec at least one more full season. VOTE KNOPE!

Did I mention I love this show? I love this show.

[Spoilers will be eating so many Sweetums in comments!]

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