
Chapter 3, page 29: "Months earlier, Karl had started forming issue groups, bringing together a cross section of people with different expertise on various subjects. I met with them, in small groups or sometimes one-on-one, discussing ideas, asking questions, picking their brains."

...And, of course, I spent lots of time at a big desk made of wood devising for those geniuses clever nicknames, like "Turd Blossom," "Altoid Boy," "Horny," and "Ol' Garbage Head."

(True Fact: I only made one of those up.)

Now please enjoy this image of Hillary Clinton laughing in George W. Bush's face!

image of Hillary Clinton laughing uproariously beside GWB, while he looks vaguely confused

[From George Bush's A Charge to Keep, gifted to me by Deeky, because he hates me. In the US, all people who plan to run for president write a shitty book. (Some are less shitty than others, by which I mean the Democrats' books.) A Charge to Keep was George W. Bush's shitty I-wanna-be-president book, published in 1999. I am blogging one random quote per page every day until I have either made my way through the book or lost it behind a couch.]

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