Whooooooooops Your Broken Promises

Bloomberg reports that Obama has discovered there's less incentive to fix campaign finance laws once you're in office and would like to exploit the giant cracks that undermine meaningful democracy:
Barack Obama pledged as a presidential candidate to strengthen the Federal Election Commission and nominate members "committed to enforcing our nation's election laws."

Since taking office, he hasn't pushed for achievement of either goal.

The president has taken no action to reshape the FEC, even as five of the six commissioners are serving on expired terms. In the meantime, the FEC deadlocked along party lines on whether to consider requiring nonprofits spending millions of dollars on political ads to disclose their donors.

"President Obama should be held responsible for his failure to at the very least nominate replacement commissioners," said Paul Ryan, a lawyer for the Campaign Legal Center, which seeks stronger oversight of political giving. "Notwithstanding his promises to the contrary on the campaign trail, cleaning up Washington has not been a high priority for President Obama."
Hopey changey whoopsy!

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