Lost Dog

I just spent the last two hours with this dirty little urchin who was running around in traffic outside my house. Dudley and Zelly helpfully alerted me to hir presence, right before the shrieking horns and squeal of hard-breaking tires did.


I ran out and collected the wee fluffmonster, who was very friendly and very dirty and bearing no tags, then walked hir all over the neighborhood to see if zie'd lead me home. No such luck.

I called our very nice animal control guy, whose cell phone number is in my contacts. I live right on the edge of the county, and people from the next county over often dump dogs here, because our county shelter has more room. Or used to, before the economy got bad.

His partner came out and got hir and will hold her to see if they can find or hear from anyone looking for hir. I hope someone is, and fear no one is.

I figured I'd post hir picture, on the off-chance someone is looking for this lost little white dog in Lake County or Porter County, Indiana.

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