
Chapter 2, page 15: "My first memories are of Midland, and when I think of growing up there, baseball comes to mind first. We were always organizing a game, in the schoolyard, or in the buffalo wallow behind my house on Sentinel Street. We played for hours, until our mothers would pull us away. I remember Mother yelling over the fence, insisting I had to come home for dinner, right now. Sometimes, on weekends, my dad would join us, impressing my friends by catching the ball behind his back."

Ha ha what a charming anecdote! I especially love the part about how his dad's a superhero and his mom's a harridan. FOLKSY!

[From George Bush's A Charge to Keep, gifted to me by Deeky, because he hates me. In the US, all people who plan to run for president write a shitty book. (Some are less shitty than others, by which I mean the Democrats' books.) A Charge to Keep was George W. Bush's shitty I-wanna-be-president book, published in 1999. I am blogging one random quote per page every day until I have either made my way through the book or lost it behind a couch.]

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