Quote of the Day

"Before we removed inspirational messages, the No. 1 problem was talking out of turn. Now, it's drug abuse." -- Florida Rep. Charles Van Zant (R-Easonless), opining on "inspirational messages" (hint: prayer in school) and the downfall of society after 1963 (when the second of two SCOTUS cases, Abington School District v. Schempp, regarding compulsory prayer in school was decided).

Rep. Van Zant is celebrating the Florida legislature passing SB 98, a bill which allows "student crafted inspirational messages" at mandatory school events. While Van Zant may call it "inspirational messages" in the media, here is what it says on the bill that he wrote for the House (HB 317):
Authorizes district school boards to adopt resolutions that allow prayers of invocation or benediction at secondary school events.
Uh-huh. Not fooling anyone there, Van Zant. On the Senate bill--which became the final version--it does say:
Education: Authorizing a district school board to adopt a policy that allows an inspirational message to be delivered by students at a student assembly; providing policy requirements; providing purpose, etc.
Florida has--by law--allowed for students to have a time period to pray silently in school every morning. Apparently personal silent prayer has not been enough for Rep. Van Zant or other legislators. Florida has--by law--it so volunteer prayer groups be allowed to meet on school campuses. Apparently voluntary prayer on school grounds outside of school hours has not been enough, either. Imagine that.

According to the Sentinel, school faculty and staff are not allowed to write or give any such messages--and neither are they allowed to review or edit any that students may want to give. Governor Scott is expected to sign it into law.

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