Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Danikajaye: "What actor/actress do you have trouble seeing the character and only see the real life person? And what actress/actor do you find disappears into their characters?"

Writes Danikajaye: "I was watching The Fighter on the weekend and I was impressed by how Christian Bale seemed so into his character by the way his speech, movements, and physical appearance were altered. Then, in contrast, I watched a Nicolas Cage movie and all I could see was Nicolas Cage and I couldn't tell you a thing about the character he was playing. I have this problem with all Nicolas Cage movies."

For me, every role Kevin Costner plays is Kevin Costner. The first onscreen chameleon who came to mind is Chiwetel Ejiofor, whom I adore, and who, btw, does a terrific American accent. Also: I can't bear to not mention Meryly Streep. I mean, come on—there's a reason she's been nominated for fully one million acting awards!

I also happen to agree that Nicolas Cage is essentially Nic Cage in every film—but that's part of his draw for me. I know I'mma get Nic Cage in a wig doing something weird when I put down my money for a Nic Cage flick. It's funny how that can work.

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