Photos of the Day

image of Rick Santorum holding up a rock

Reuters Pictures: "Republican presidential candidate and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum displays a piece of North Dakota shale while speaking to supporters during an event at the Curb Center on Belmont University's campus in Nashville, Tennessee February 29, 2012, a few days prior to Super Tuesday voting on March 6, 2012."

image of Rick Santorum holding up a rock

Reuters Pictures: "Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum holds a piece of coal during a rally at Temple Baptist in Powell, Tennessee February 29, 2012. Santorum is campaigning in Tennessee before the primary elections on March 6, 2012."

image of Rick Santorum holding up a rock

AP Photo: "Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum holds a lump of oil he got from North Dakota which he said demonstrated the need for the Keystone pipeline deal while speaking at Temple Baptist Church Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 in Knoxville, Tenn."

TRUE FACT: Rick Santorum|Rock are really going to give Goat|Paperclip a run for their money this year!

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