Photo of the Day

image of an elderly white gentleman with a white beard, wearing a patriotic top hat, tie, and suspenders, sitting in a chair looking stern
William House of Huntsville, Alabama, waits for Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to arrive during a campaign stop at the US Space and Rocket Center, Tuesday, March 6, 2012, in Huntsville. [AP Photo]
It is possible that William House of Huntsville, Alabama is waiting to see Newt Gingrich because he, Mr. House I mean, is a conservative who loves Newt Gingrich and everything for which he, Newt Gingrich I mean, stands. Or it is possible that William House of Huntsville, Alabama is waiting to see Newt Gingrich because he is a progressive who wants to give Gingrich a piece of his mind, or because he is a moderate and, hey, free candidate!

The point is, I don't know why William House of Huntsville, Alabama is hanging out at the US Space and Rocket Center in his patriotic top hat and tie and suspenders, and I will make no judgments.

All I know is that he is a patriot with extraordinary fashion sense who wants to show some goddamn spirit on Super Tuesday and loves the democratic process!

And, in that, we are kindred spirits.

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