
Chapter 1, page 8: "The minister talked of visiting Yellowstone with his family. They joined a crowd gathered around Old Faithful, waiting and watching expectantly. He joined in as they counted down—five-four-three-two-one—and was surprised to feel tears welling in hie eyes as he joined in the cheers for the erupting geyser. 'And then I realized I had just clapped for a geyser,' Mark Craig said, the crowd in the church joining in agreeable laughter at the absurdity of the scene. 'What on earth moves people to applaud with tears in their eyes for cascading water?' he asked, then answered his own question: 'Faithfulness. People are starved for faithfulness.'"

That would be a nice story, if it were about any kind of faithfulness other than straight-up Jesus-belief. You know, like a story about having faith in your fellow humans to be kind to each other, or some nefarious atheist crap like that. But nope! Immediately after that anecdote, he launches into some garbage about Moses that implies he's just like him, naturally.

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