Alcatraz Open Thread

Det. Madsen stands holding a violin and exchanging a look with Dr. Diego Soto

(Minor spoilers follow.)

Okay, I am only going to say one thing about this episode: I had trouble watching it because, ugh, the violence (although I continue to appreciate how the violence is shown as horrible and not titillating), but I loved—LOVED—the scene in which the prison doctor refers to the "warden's new toy," and Dr. Sangupta tersely says, "Mr. Porter is not a toy," to which the prison doctor responds, "Oh, I agree. I was talking about you." AHHHHHHHHHHH CREEPY! And then—THEN!—the warden turns and looks up at them with his skeevy grin! OMG GOOSEBUMPS! HE IS SUCH A CREEPAZOID! I BET THOSE KEYS HE WEARS AROUND HIS NECK OPEN A DOOR BEHIND WHICH LIES A STASH OF CREEPO PILLS!

I love this show. That is all.

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