Alcatraz Open Thread

image of Sarah Jones and Jorge Garcia having their picture taken at Comic Con

Welp, my garbage fart of a DVR failed to tape either episode of Alcatraz Monday night, even though I double-checked to make sure the recordings were scheduled earlier in the day. In good news, it did record Tabatha's Salon Makeover, which I have never asked it to record.

*Pink Petulance face*

Meanwhile, by last night, Fox had made only one of the episodes (the latter of the two) available OnDemand. Whut.

So! I will be totally useless in this thread ("What else is new?"—Everyone), but I don't mind spoilers for this series, so I'm happy to moderate!

Were they good episodes? TELL ME EVERYTHING!

On a related note, I'm sad to hear that Fox has canceled Terra Nova, in whose time-slot Alcatraz is currently airing. I hope this increases the chances that they'll stick with Alcatraz , now that they need a replacement series.


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