¿Which Side Are You On?

image of Ani DiFranco

Yesterday, one of my favorite singer-songwriters (and feminists!) Ani DiFranco released her first new studio album in over three years. I was lucky enough to get an advanced copy for review, and, the thing is, reviewing is a particular talent, and it is one I do not possess.

But this review was easy: ¿Which Side Are You On? is awesome.

The songs are lovely, a word which I use to convey that they are beautiful, and charming, and familiar, and new, all at the same time. The opening notes evoked for me the feeling of coming home after a holiday, of breathing in that scent of the space in which you comfortably reside. It is the music, yes, and the lyrics, my god so great, but it is also the sense that Ani DiFranco shares my sensibilities and knows my heart.

Her albums are always like this gracious invitation to come sit with her awhile.

Anyway! If you're already a DiFranco fan, you'll love this album for all the reasons you're a fan in the first place. If you're not already a fan, well, this album could probably make you one.

SneakAttack generously provided me with the title track to share with you, because, let's face it, Ani DiFranco can sell herself better than I can. The track is a cover of the protest anthem made famous by folk icon Pete Seeger, who joins her on the recording. I don't guess I need to explain why this song is so meaningful to me.

Get the CD or vinyl here. Also on iTunes, etc.

And, no, I don't get anything if you buy the album. I get stuff to review all the time: When I actually post something, it's genuinely just because I love the fuck out of it.

Ani DiFranco's official site. Ani DiFranco on Facebook. Ani DiFranco on Twitter.

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