Two Fucking Assholes, #1

Once upon a time, there was a webcomic called Conniving & Sinister. Back when I was doing Conniving & Sinister, a blogger who didn't like Shakesville referred to it as "that shitty comic about those two fucking assholes." Obviously, I immediately forwarded the link to Deeky with a note that I should rename the comic Two Fucking Assholes.

After a year of daily strips, I stopped writing Conniving & Sinister.

The other day, Deeks emailed me his new author pic and mentioned that his bio still says he's the star of an internet comic, and I should probably edit that. It definitely would have been easier to just delete the line from his bio, but, heck, it's a new year and the world is going to end soon, anyway.

I will not promise to publish a new Two Fucking Assholes strip every day, but I will promise that Deeky's glasses will always defy gravity.

Deeky: Welcome back, asshole. Liss: You're the asshole, asshole.

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