Texting! With Liss and Deeky!

Yesterday, I changed my Twitter avatar from an image of a "shift" typewriter key to a picture of me. I realized as soon as I'd changed it that it made me harder to spot, among a sea of similar avatars, so I was going to have to change it again. But before I could, Deeky texted me this morning to register a complaint about it.

Deeky: Change your twitter avatar back. Now. Liss: What, lol? Deeky: Your new avatar blows. It blends in with all the other faces. Make it a bright red square or something. Liss: LOL! You cannot say

Liss: LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Deeky: LOLOLOLOL! Liss: Okay, I changed it. Deeky: Did you really? LOLOLOLOL!!!  Liss: Yep! I hope you like it! Deeky: You are SUCH an asshole! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Liss: No doy I am. P.S. I'm so blogging this.

red square with white text reading 'DEEKY SUCKS BUTTS'
My new avatar.

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