Quote of the Day

"The woman then proceeded to tell my husband and I that our marriage was not considered 'real' and she could not update the systems to reflect us as married."—Shane May, who has started a petition on Change.org to request that he and his husband, who were legally married in DC, be recognized as a family by the City of Cuyahoga Falls (Ohio) Natatorium, who rejected their request for a family membership.

This horrible, and equally common, bit of discrimination underlines: 1. Why the "states' rights" argument about same-sex marriage is not merely intellectually bankrupt garbage but also ethically untenable; and 2. How, despite the repeal of DADT, we continue to discriminate against gay soldiers: Shane's husband is an injured Iraq war veteran, and Shane is his caregiver. They were seeking a family membership because: "We do water therapy as well as light lifting at our local gym to help him get stronger and keep the pain levels down."

So Coty May came home injured from serving his country, only to be denied the very rights for which he was ostensibly fighting to protect.

teaspoon icon You can sign the petition in their support here.

[Via Andy.]

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