Quote of the Day

"The state cannot be in the business of discrimination. It was that. It was my children. It was the children of friends. It was friends. It was leaders that, I finally said to myself, 'It's time to do the right thing.' And let me just tell you, I feel so much better today than I have for the last seven years."—Washington Governor Chris Gregoire, who announced yesterday that "she wants Washington to become the seventh state in the nation to make gay marriage legal."

She will personally introduce the bill to allow same-sex couples to get married in Washington state.
"I can't sit here any longer and say it's okay to discriminate," she said. "My church, all the churches, can exercise their freedom on deciding who to marry, but the state of Washington cannot, cannot, engage in discrimination."
Right on.

There is no guarantee of passage in the state legislature, and it's a long process even if it does, but obviously this is a very good start.

[H/T to Shaker Courtney.]

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