Daily Dose of Cute

Dudley the Greyhound lies on the couch on his back with his legs in the air

Earlier today, Zelda was indicating to me that she wanted something. "Food?" I asked, holding up my left index finger, "Or out?" holding up my right. Instead of touching a finger to give her answer, she went back to her old method of urgently jabbing me with her nose when running backward, a habit that earned her the nickname "Jabba the Mutt."

"Yes, I know you want something, Zelly," I told her. "Food or out?" She jumped up next to me and licked my face.

"Food or out?" She jumped back down and Jabba the Mutted me.

Dudley, who appeared to be asleep on the couch rolled over with a groan, got up, came over to me and poked my right finger with his nose.

I laughed, then let them out.

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