Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by trees.

Recommended Reading:

Feminist News: FDA Finds Yaz Contains Insufficient Warning Labels

Igor: [TW for homophobia] Romney Tells Gay Veteran That He Would Support Repealing Same-Sex Marriage Rights in New Hamphsire

Evan: Rick Perry: Americans Don't Want a President Who Can Name the Supreme Court Justices

Fannie: [TW for gender policing] Mississippi School District Changes Yearbook Photo Policy

Noelle: [TW for sexual violence] What Arpaio Didn't Do This Time: Over 400 Sex Crimes Ignored

Andy: Married GOP Christian Politician Campaigned Against Gay Marriage at Home, Secretly Donates Sperm to Lesbians Abroad

Angry Asian Man: [TW for racism] Chik-Fil-A Cashier Names Customers "Ching" and "Chong"

The Heretik: Eye in the Sky

Tami: Notes from the Black Women and Marriage Project: An Everything Kind of Love

Ted: Picture Perfect

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