Who Votes for These Damn People?!?!

The best that Florida State Rep. Ritch Workman (no, I didn't make that up) could come up with to help spur job growth was a bill that would repeal the state's "dwarf-tossing" ban:
"I'm on a quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people," Workman told The Palm Beach Post. "This is an example of Big Brother government."

"All that it does is prevent some dwarfs from getting jobs they would be happy to get," he added. "In this economy, or any economy, why would we want to prevent people from getting gainful employment?"
Well, hell, if we're going to ignore exploitation as a justification for employment law, why stop there? I eagerly await Rep. Workman's proposal to repeal child labor laws ASAP.

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